Elemental Space Clearing®
As a Professional Elemental Space Clearing® Practitioner,
I offer this unique and sacred method of Space Clearing where you actively clear the negative energy in a space.
Infusing Positive Energy with Space Clearing
We all deserve a life full of joy, happiness, and a vibrant flow of nourishing life-force energy to want to jump out of bed every day with a smile.
Life happens and, at times, can be hectic and filled with ebbs and flows. The world Wide Pandemic showed us how drastic change can affect our moods and energy levels when dealing with the loss, fear, and illness. Negative, sad energy can linger long afterwards, within us and in our living and working environments. A refresh and a reboot will definitely be of benefit.
I received my certification from renowned spiritual teacher Denise Linn. Her space-clearing programs are recognized as the most in-depth and comprehensive in the world.
Elemental Space Clearing® isn’t clutter clearing, where you shift physical clutter from your home or business. This is an energetic clearing where you actively shift negative, heavy energies or feelings from the space and replace them with positive, uplifting feelings you want in your home, business, and life.
You’d be surprised at the immediate change in the atmosphere, and it’s not just true for believers – plenty of space clearing-skeptics have felt the benefits of Elemental Space Clearing®.
Clearings are available for office space, homes, and individuals.
Around the World
In ancient times, people understood the importance of creating a sense of harmony in their dwellings. They developed techniques and methods to release stagnant energy and invoke vitality in living spaces.
Native Americans used drums, rattles, and burning herbs in their rituals. The Chinese used gongs, chanting and incense. In medieval Europe, salt and prayers cleared energy. In the Middle East, burning resins, such as frankincense and myrrh, were used to dispel negativity. Some of these traditions have survived virtually unchanged to this day.
Elemental Space Clearing is beneficial for any life change or beginning:
New job, project, or habit
Clearing previously owned objects
The new arrangement of space
Release negative habits
Preparing for a life change
Create clarity in life
Family additions
New relationship, marriage, or divorce
Moving into a new home, Selling a home
After Illness
Loss of a loved one
Elemental Space Clearing® for Business
Everything is Energy, so just as a home might have negative energy which needs cleansing, the same can be true of an office or workspace. Even more so now as so many have combined their office work and home together these past few years.
Elemental Space Clearing® is used and trusted by successful business owners the world over to invoke vibrant, successful, prosperous energy.
To BOOK an initial free Discovery Call, please contact me.
Fees are on a sliding scale, determined in the initial consult.
Initial set-up consult $150-250
Space clearing average $300 up to 3000 square feet